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the term `Trimetry ~ presumably - the science of searching for the possible existing structure of the digital matrix. one example:
as is known that if the complete solved equation has its integrity of the answer then the solved answer has a unity to unity and if to add, then let it be zero and for example 2 + 4 = 6, and 6 = 0, << - like something like this .. and that's my topic about just about. we take for a basis, and more correctly not for a basis as I think and it is better so to accept, that the certain basis in etem paragraph as current does not exist and more to install the science of studying mm, So we take two oppositions from a certain free number of its equality, and toest by the method of addition and subtraction:
Example: 2 + 4 = 6 - and continue the task in this way .. 8-2 = 6 = 2 + 4 - we get our short form of a one-number ..... what's next.. and if we continue in the same direction, then approximately the derivation is formed and presumably such that the number and each number of the known and which only 10 has a negative direction and positive solvability of the equation, that is, to the side of the addition of which it is formed from the numbers by the method of elimination. . well, what then is next - we take the number 6 and we set up something like this: -6+, and then so = (-) 6 (+) = mm .. . that is, two directions - <6> + .. and that it is possible from this to create further - in a positive and negative direction - but it will come as follows: .. ; (-) .. 6 + = 1 + 5 = 2 + 4 = 3 + 3 | <- and as I understand that from this side - all further away. and this is the so-called `face` or the` solvability point`
further -> in the positive direction the number has an orientation to the point of solvability and creating a preposition to the negation of which, as is known, is infinite, and we create our solvability in a sequential order and equal to the solution of the positive direction, So :
`` 9-3 = 8-2 = 7-1 = -6 + = 1 + 5 = 2 + 4 = 3 + 3`` .. // the conclusion from this is that each number has its own digital signature. and this is something about what Gipsyta Hodja used to say - that there is a cycle in the digital sequence, and that's about the same, and gets it, which leads to the Riemann about the digital sequence, and if further then on the basis of this, since this is the system, algorithms can be constructed, though simple so far, but verification is needed and most of all I think it is, and indeed. .. why trimetry - the word came as something affected, and science - perhaps, but more is obtained - an exploratory search for a possible digital structure, say geometric conjunctions and the search for their possible relationships ... oh. .. I made several examples and almost every one had quite interesting and copious results with each other .. - that is already close and very probably concerns the first task of the Millennium the equality of the classes p and np .. I mentioned above that for each number there is a digital signature, and later when I decided to call it a sequence and put it not as a multiplier on the right, but on the left. Here's an example:
he received a very interesting one, one such was found and I stopped so remember the number 4, this is 1 + 3 = 2 + 2 = from the starting point, the contact face with the original .. mmm .. 4pe = is aligned with the opposite direction to the exact same ratio from the positive arithmetic summation to the negation side - where we we get this number by the subtraction method - then we have a complete cycle of clearance mm I do not know - the equation - the equality of the boundaries of intersectability, for example .. that is | `1 + 3 = 2 + 2 = 4 = 6-2 = 5-1` | that is, the sequence of the number `4` equals to two (2), equal to arithmetic actions by their ratio, and completely the equation is its digital signature or the algorithm of the number itself - the matrix. / is naturally considered for integers in this case. and all the numbers have their own so-called sequence to the touching face, the large ones have several faces, for example the touch face (7 + 8 = 8 + 7) <this is also very interesting and if you continue then to the existing end point of contact with the original one, there is still one digital face of the tangency is possible in the digital structure in the equation which can be given to us, let the number, for example, the number `15` has two of its digital cycles in to each of the directions and two faces - if one can say concomitant crossed and in this area the entrant and the one and only integer - the point of contact equal to the original - (0) - zero. .what I found: - here are the numbers- .4, .17, .18, .32, - and their equal sequences-.2, .8, .9, .16, - so - `4 ~ 2`, -` 17 ~ 8`, - `18 ~ 9`, -`32 ~ 16` ~` 4 = 2`, - `17 = 8`, -` 18 = 9`, -`32 = 16`, we get an example of such complexity .. ....... on the picture p / s; if you add, then the unit is the first number with its constant and unique sequence in the whole numbers decree is equal to one. and this example is equal to mine on all sides I'm sorry. street (talk) 10:10, 30 June 2018 (UTC)
p\s: Valkov Dmitry Vladimirovich, October 4, 1978, was born the Cherepovets. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Like street (talk • contribs) 10:15, 30 June 2018 (UTC)